Police show up while Newmarket parents were locked out of their parents town meeting - Mon 6-21-2021

3 years ago


Newmarket residents and NH citizens show up at the Newmarket parents town hall meeting concerning the mask issues for the summer school and they are locked out of their town hall on Monday June 21, 2021 because this meeting was changed to zoom meeting only at the last minutes🙄. In addition, a woman who works for the school district and refused to give her name poke her head out of the town hall doors asking who these citizens are and promises to get back to them. Instead of seeing this school district personnel, the crowd was shocked when two police cruisers show up besides a third car from a school board member, Gary Swanson. Mr. Swanson spoke to one of the officer outside then moved inside the cruiser then left. The two police officers and their cruisers stay way after the meeting was over.
Three Newmarket parents texted in their questions for the zoom meeting and were not answered. While watching this meeting on their phone, all of their video were disabled and shutdown completely then they were connected again but with audio only. The officials ran the meeting stated on the record that there were no more questions so they ended the meeting with people still raising their hands to speak via zoom and unanswered text questions.
So, the Newmarket school board meeting will take place tomorrow Tuesday, June 22 at 5pm at New Market town hall locates at 186 S. Main Street, Newmarket and people can attend in person.
Please spread words so parents and concerned citizens can attend to protect the physical, mental and psychological health of our children.
Thank you!
New Hampshire, Monday June 21, 2021
Chau Kelley from Level5 Media

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