Woke Law Hurts Colorado Job Seekers

2 years ago

Work from home jobs are the new thing everywhere -- except Colorado. with the Rocky Mountain edition of the ALG Minute, I'm Catherine Mortensen. After Colorado adopted a law state mandating employers disclose salaries for open positions, at least 48 national companies are advertising jobs available anywhere in the U.S. but Colorado.

Woke lawmakers hoped the new law would narrow gender wage gaps and provide greater pay transparency for employees. But to avoid having to disclose that information, some employers seeking remote workers nationwide are saying that those living in Colorado need not apply. This has caused a lot of confusion for workers and some back peddling by state officials who say the new law only narrowly applies to companies that already have a work force in the state. The lesson here is simple: go woke, go broke. Big government policies that limit freedom never work out. That's because free people make better choices for themselves than the government. For more check us out at the DailyTorch.com.

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