Mistakes Donald Trump Made While He Was President! A Trump Supporter's Criticism I Vermont Red Pill

3 years ago

I have many videos on what I believe Donald Trump did RIGHT. It's time for some healthy criticism. Lots of things our former/real President did were frustrating, puzzling and infuriating. Trump Haters like to say people like me worship him, which is insane. I only worship God. Trump is just a man. A good man, but certainly not perfect. He could have and SHOULD have pardoned Whistleblowers Julian Assange and Edward Snowden, but inexplicably, he didn't. Much as I support Donald Trump, I can't understand why, and I can't forgive him for overlooking 2 men I considered Heroes. That's my major criticism, but here are some others. Let me know what you think. What did Donald Trump do that disappointed and upset YOU?

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