No Agenda 1357: Quantum Supremacy - Adam Curry & John C. Dvorak

2 years ago
Executive Producers: Dame Sparkler, Sir Karys, Baron of Greater Boston, Sir Gadgeteer of the Woods of Hazel, Sir David French, Sir Michael Van Sligtenhorst, Lily Noon, Anonymous Interpreter, wyatt wermes, Dame Blackhammer, Ryan Tierney, Brandi Kovash, Sir Dan the Man Protector of Cape Coral and the Islands of Sanibel and Captiva, Martin Williamson, Z, Jon Helmer, John Wynn, Old Rivermark Knight, micah edgerton, Kyle Corbin
Associate Executive Producers: Michael Heenan, Liz LeRoy, Scott Smith, Sir Bacevice, Alex, Sir Colin the Friendly Fat Man, Zeus
Cover Artist: Kenny Ben

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