Trudy Economics - WildRose Independence Party

3 years ago

Trudeau sets another record—and not in a good way

Prime Minister Justin Trudeau has set another record—increasing the federal debt (per person) more than any other prime minister (not facing a world war or recession) since 1870.

He earlier set a spending record, as the Trudeau government has spent more money (per person) than any other prime minister in Canadian history. Rapid debt accumulation, accompanied by unprecedented levels of spending is simply not sustainable—and Canadians will be left to deal with the consequences.

Let’s take a closer look at some of Justin Trudeau’s historic achievements.

Globalist Agenda, Phase 2: Trudeau Creates SOCIAL CHAOS In Canada

What was it that Cultural Action Party of Canada predicted when Justin Trudeau was first elected prime minister in 2015?

Outcome: domestic social chaos. Now, this phase of PM Trudeau’s assault upon Canadian society has arrived. As we previously posited, our current PM’s degree of culpability in this development is open to some debate.

Was Trudeau actually “seduced” by external forces into bringing social chaos to Canada? Is this Trudeau character merely a puppet in a game of globalist takeover of the dying Great White North?

The 'Great Reset' reads like a globalist plot with some plot holes

Pierre Poilievre recently alerted the nation to what he thinks Justin Trudeau is up to.

Last week, the presumptive finance minister in Erin O'Toole's "government-in-waiting" warned that "global financial elites" are attempting to "re-engineer economies and societies" in order to "empower the elites at the expense of the people." Canadians, he said, "must fight back against global elites" and "their power grab." He invited those who share his concerns to sign a petition calling on the government to "protect our freedom" and "end plans to impose the 'Great Reset'."

Wildrose Freedom Party

Our Mission

Assert our independence and redefine our relationship with Canada
Affirm all individual freedoms and rights
Establish an accountable Alberta Police Force
Establish the Alberta Revenue Agency to collect all taxes
Establish our own Pension Plan
Establish our own Employment Insurance Plan
Establish our own Immigration Policy
Be governed by our own Environmental Act
Continue to develop and transport our natural resources responsibly
Develop new trade agreements with other provinces and nations
Develop the highest quality and immediate access to healthcare
Develop our education system to exceed international standards
Create a “Constitution of Alberta” with, and for, all Albertans
Hold a referendum on Independence

Wildrose Independence candidate touts personal freedoms at SACPA

Wildrose Independence Party leadership candidate and former MLA for Cardston-Taber-Warner Paul Hinman spoke at the Southern Alberta Council on Public Affairs weekly YouTube livestream speaker series on Thursday about the proper role of government, and why, in his opinion, the Trudeau and Kenney governments are failing Albertans.
“For me, I am a Christian, and I believe that life and my agency, and my right to choose, comes from a higher power,” he stated. “And it certainly didn’t come because I was born inside of Alberta, inside of Canada, in this world we know. My life didn’t come from the Canadian government, and my freedoms did not come from the Canadian government. I believe each of us as individuals have those inherent rights and freedoms.”

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