Dr VA Shiva gives an anti interview on mask

3 years ago

Dr.SHIVA gives a ANTI-INTERVIEW to Channel 7 News exposing their hypocrisy in reporting.

As TFH Reporter, documented: “Some people were asking about the Channel 7 reporter that showed up near the end of the march. She attempted to speak with a number of people including Dr.Shiva, and some people had questions about this since we told people at the event not to talk to the press.

I was right there and saw the whole thing start to finish. What happened was she came in towards the end of the event when there were fewer people and thought she was being smart by pointing the mic upward and speaking to several Truth Freedom Health volunteers, acting like she wasn’t recording.

Meanwhile, in the distance was the camera man recording everything. Dr. Shiva saw people interacting with this woman and took charge of the situation. Ideally, yes we want ZERO interactions with the press, but since she was already interacting with our folks, Shiva confronted her and told her off.

He gave her an ‘interview’ - an anti-interview where he lambasted Channel 7 and afterwards Dr. Shiva and Michelle told us all again to stay away from the reporter.”

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