MT2 Growing Leadership Blog #25 – Define Your Culture – Motivation Comes From Passion

2 years ago

Over the next few days, I will break down the definition of culture in my company. I am starting with the Letter 'M' from MT2Leadership, which stands for Motivation Comes From Passion.

Motivation is one of those things that we are told we must have to be successful. However, motivation is just seeking permission to do the next thing. Permission comes from others and/or ourselves. But, if we don't love what we are doing, we will not have a passion for what we are doing, and we will always be in search of motivation.

The vicious cycle of searching for motivation is an up and down journey. That is why in my company, MT2Leadership, we start with our passions, and from our passion comes our inspiration to help you grow your company, yourself and add value with every interaction.

‘M’ equals “Motivation Comes From Passion.”

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