Did the fact that Aaron's two sons failed, make him a bad father?

3 years ago

Aaron was the first High Priest. He had four sons. Two of his sons disobeyed God and died for it. Did the fact that two of his sons failed make him a bad father? No, it did not. He was loved by all Israel as we will see.
One traditional teaching about Aaron says that when husbands and wives quarreled, they would seek out Aaron. He would counsel them with words of peace and bring reconciliation to their relationship. He was so adept at making peace between husbands and wives that he had many children named after him:

There were thousands in Israel who were called by the name of Aaron, for if not for Aaron, they would not have come into the world. Aaron made peace between husband and wife so that they came together, and they named the child that was born after him. (Avot d'Rabbi Nattan)

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