(中文字幕)新冠PCR篩檢棒暗藏 納米晶片-電子智能粉塵: 納米機械蟲!能接種疫苗於無形?! PCR Swab Test conceals with Nano-Chip-Smart-Dust?!(English Subtitles)

3 years ago

新冠PCR篩檢棒暗藏 納米晶片-電子智能粉塵?! 新冠深入口腔/鼻腔的篩檢拭子,可以暗藏 數十杖 納米機械蟲!在不知情下,有能力給人接種疫苗?! PCR Swab Test conceals with Nano-Chip-Smart-Dust?! 納米機器蟲-莫吉隆斯症 Morgellons Disease?! 納米芯片 智能機器塵埃,遇到體溫就會從六角星形狀屈曲成蠕蟲的爪!抓住鼻腔或口腔連接腦袋的腦膜屏障。有追蹤功能、釋放病毒(藥物)功能、有能力操控體溫、操控心跳、操控思想、甚至操縱人類基因。 比爾蓋磁斥資 8.7 億美元給 Johns Hopkins University 約翰霍普金斯大學,研究設計超級納米微小的、可改轉變形狀的納米智能粉塵機器,能夠將藥物輸送到胃腸道 : 約翰霍普金斯大學的研究人員受到寄生蠕蟲的啟發,將其鋒利的牙齒挖入宿主的腸道,設計出微小的星形微型裝置 (最新發明的納米芯片粉塵),遇上體溫就會抓起來,黏附在腸粘膜或鼻粘膜上,並將藥物(或其他功能 如GPS Tracking 追蹤定位,思想操控接駁雲端,網路接駁⋯⋯) 釋放或輸出到人體內。 這枚納米機器名叫 “Theragrippers” 是由金屬和可變形的薄膜製成,在它的表面塗有熱敏石蠟,每個大約有一枚灰塵般大小,聲稱可以攜帶疫苗藥物,並將其逐漸釋放到人體內。 Bill Gates funded 870 millions to Johns Hopkins University
to research for the engineering of tiny, shape-changing machines that deliver medicine to the GI tract : Inspired by a parasitic worm that digs its sharp teeth into its host's intestines, Johns Hopkins University researchers have designed tiny, star-shaped microdevices that latch onto intestinal mucosa and release drugs into the body.
Made of metal and thin, shape-changing film and coated in a heat-sensitive paraffin wax, "theragrippers," each roughly the size of a dust speck, can carry a drug and release it gradually into the body.

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