ELITE HYPOCRISY #9: Ontario Finance Minister Rod Phillips Breaks His Own COVID Lockdown Rules

3 years ago


Former Ontario Finance Minister Rod Phillips mislead the public by releasing a lovely 'stay at home and be happy because we told you too' video on Christmas Eve, while he was vacationing in the Caribbean. But Premier Doug Ford wasn't fooled, he knew about the trip 2 WEEKS EARLIER and was alright with it. Listen, have rules or don't, just play by them okay?

But that story has a happy ending, Phillips has resigned from his post as Finance Minister for the Province of Ontario. Whoopie!

Someone else who has been away for an extended period of time, Prime Minister Justin Trudeau released a statement about how great his party is and what miraculous things they alone have accomplished in 2020 (sources required).

He couldn't be bothered to come up with his on catchy slogan for 2021, so he just stole Joe Biden's "Build Back Better" in hopes that Sleepy Joe would just forget about it.

Happy New Year to my fellow Canadians!

Globe and Mail: https://www.theglobeandmail.com/canada/article-premier-ford-says-he-should-have-told-finance-minister-phillips-to/
Post Millennial 1: https://thepostmillennial.com/breaking-doug-ford-accepts-resignation-of-minister-who-flew-to-caribbean
Post Millennial 2: https://thepostmillennial.com/trudeau-says-canada-needs-to-build-back-better-in-new-year
Stats Canada: https://www150.statcan.gc.ca/n1/pub/89-657-x/89-657-x2019002-eng.htm

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#Phillips #Ford #Trudeau

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