Love across Cultures: Relationship Advice for Cross-Cultural Couples

3 years ago

There’s nothing as attractive as someone from a different country or culture.

They’ve got the accent. The exotic look. The ability to jolt you out of complacency and make your everyday world seem magical.

But is the reality of a cross-cultural relationship as appealing as the fantasy?

We knew the perfect person to ask: Joe Lurie.

A former Peace Corps Volunteer, Joe Lurie served for two decades as Executive Director of UC Berkeley's International House.

There, amidst close to 1500 students annually from over 80 countries and 25 US states, he witnessed many intercultural, interracial, and interfaith romances which often led to challenging and enriching marriages across countries and cultures.

What distinguished the couples who thrived from those who struggled?

Thriving couples took the time to understand, respect, and honor each other’s cultures.

In this YBTV interview, Joe tells entertaining anecdotes about couples who, despite cultural differences, managed to live happily ever after.

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