You Won't Say

3 years ago

Lyrics Chorus Okay... Look at all these kids in cages But Biden did it so you won't say it Okay... Look at all these Democratic CCP agents But it was lefties so you won't say it Okay... Look at all these terrorists up in our streets that shoot and kill the police But you won't say it Okay... You turn and point the finger at the Patriots When all they want to do is be free Okay...

Verse 1 You say my body my choice I say no mask or vaccine You say I have no choice You tell me to trust the Science When you say a girl is a boy Or a man is a woman Now you tell us we need an injection I'm not a doctor but we are infected With global commies who have the perception we're weak because they project it I take a lie and intercept it And bring the truth like M.L.K. said it blame us for climate change and deny aerosol injections Gates Senior loved Planned Parenthood Eugenics Operation paperclip cemented in a web of deception

Verse 2

Mockingbird propaganda make you believe an infection To the point you believe you're not essential or Biden won an election biggest Biden rally's at the border performing an illegal insurrection You're a lie and we see the deception They're lying to us on T.V. Don't believe their lies you need to breathe free if you can't breathe free you can't be free They want our guns while Nancy wants machine guns in D.C. Obama armed ISIS in Syria and it was a killing spree Don't forget Biden praised the Uighurs enslavement by the CCP and his son Hunter Biden's relationship with the spy chief The Media's the virus Turn off your t.v. CNN sucks Fox does too I'm not a Democrat I'm not a Republican I'm an American so are you!

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