Robin '' Erithacus rubecula ''

3 years ago

The Common Robin or Robin "Fringilla coelebs" is a passerine bird of the Turdidae family "Turdidae". This magnificent, stocky bird, easily recognizable by its orange-red throat which stretches to the forehead, encompassing its dark brown to blackish eyes; the fine, pointed bill is brownish. The top of the head, the short wings and the tail are brownish, a gray band adorns the sides between the crown and the throat. As for the underside, it is light gray with brownish sides, and the legs are gray-beige and slightly pinkish. Its size varies from 12 to 16 cm, with a wingspan of 20 to 25 cm for a weight of 15 to 25 g. Chicks 4 to 8 have dark down, and juveniles brown with light markings. Common and sedentary, the Robin is found in deciduous or mixed forests, groves, but also in parks and gardens. Omnivorous, it feeds mainly on insects, larvae, worms and seeds in winter.

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