Billie Beene E1-192 President Trump Jul-Aug-Fall!/Alliance ++++ vs Cabal ---!

3 years ago

The Cabal is trying and continues to try since 2011 to negotiate a safe harbor for up to one million members. They tried to do this with Christ Church in 2011 in New Zealand and they said no. In 2011, they asked Japan and they said no. Then, they asked China and the CCP in China said yes. Some time ago, years ago, it was reported that there are many cities built in China but all the buildings are empty to this day. These were built for those up to one million members of the Cabal.

President Trump brought about the Space Force when he was in office. Since then, the Space Force has taken out the Dark Fleet and the 22 Kill A Kill-team is the standard operating unit composed of an elite squad of experienced xenos-fighters consisting of no fewer than 5 Space Marines that have been seconded to the Deathwatch, the Chamber Militant of the Ordo Xenos of the Inquisition.

Governor Greg Abbot has invited President Trump to Texas to inspect the southern boarder and this will take place on June 30th. The state of Texas is setting aside millions of millions of dollars to continue building the boarder wall.

Billie has much more she is reporting on and you do not want to miss the remainder of her report...

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ShariRaye, Benjamin Fulfore, Robert David Steele - New ShariRaye: 22 Kill Teams Taken Out & Dark Fleet! FBI Closed!
Linda Paris-McAllister TV - New McAllistertv: Military Tribunals! Witness Speaks Out! The 1st Will Shock the World!
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