Four-Months-Old Baby Says 'I Love You' To Daddy

10 years ago

All parents remember their baby’s first words which are kind of a big deal. Those words usually come when the baby is around 12 to 18 months old. But some of them may pronounce their first words earlier than other. Just as the 4-month-old baby in this adorable video did, much to parents' surprise!

The parents of this tiny fella decided to record almost every moment since he was born. Until one day, when the father was holding the baby, something amazing happened! He looked at his baby and said: ‘I love you’. Incredibly, the little tot, with a grin on his face, looked back at his papa and groaned something that sounded like ‘I love you’ back. The surprised mom and dad smiled and cherished their kid’s milestone and we can only imagine how excited they were after the video was captured.

Maybe the tot didn't clearly pronounce those three words, but it is well known that babies mimic voices they hear and this sounded just like ‘I love you’. Most toddlers pronounce ‘Mama’ and ‘Dada’ as their first words after few months, but they speak in full sentences when they get around one and a half to two years old.

Check out this precious moment as an adorable 4-month-old baby says, 'I love you' to his dad. According to his mother, this was the first thing the little guy ever said! How cute! This was just too cute not to share it with you!

What were your first words in life? Make sure to ask your parents and comment your answers below!

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