Does Brain Tapping Really Clear Brain Fog

3 years ago

BRAIN TAPPING To Ease Brain Fog, Headaches, And Migraines

What is Brain Tapping ???

Whether it is the physical action on your head, or the brain itself causing neural activity within the brain, there is no actual definition, but it has many benefits covering relieving depression, helping you relax and sleep.

It occurs when certain frequencies put our bodies into what is called the parasympathetic (healing) mode versus our reactionary times when our bodies sort–of drift along as usual.

These reactionary times produce almost zero bodily repairs or improvement and in this state, we feel depressed, our brains barely function properly, we feel pain more readily, and we can feel anxious.

Improved learning capabilities

When in a fully relaxed state, just like as you are waking up, your mind can be very focussed and can occasionally overcome problems you have faced in the past.

In fact, your thinking speed can be improved by 22% faster within a few days of practicing brain tapping and it also makes fogging of the brain gradually disappear.

Brain Boosting Hormones

Frankly, brain fog is mainly produced by a reduction of certain hormones within the body usually provided by our diet.

It is almost like a depressive state where we don’t want to do anything, sometimes not even talking to other people. We lose interest rapidly in anything we should be doing.

But there is a simple way around this dilemma without all the finger poking and massaging.

If you’d like to know more, take a look at this video as it covers brain fog in-depth and provides the solution you are looking for: Click Here…

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