Vets shave off nearly 3 kg of heavy and matted hair from stray dog.

3 years ago

This 11 year old shih tzu came to KC Pet Project in Kansas City, MO, as a stray, and he’s one of the worst matted cases we’ve ever seen. We can only guess how long it took to get in this condition. One thing we know for sure is that life is about to get so much better for this boy, who we’re calling Simon. Our veterinary team worked for more than two hours to shave every single piece of matted hair off his tiny body. When Simon first came in and before we shaved him, he weighed nearly 20 pounds. We removed nearly 7 pounds of heavy, matted hair. We never know the condition that they’ll be in once they are shaved, and surprisingly, his skin is in fairly good shape. He is skinny, he was covered in fleas, and will need to have dental surgery soon, but he’s now receiving great medical care from our team and will start the healing process.

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