Millions of Christians Live Under This Deception; Are You One of Them?

3 years ago

A&O Productions / There is a way that seems right to a man, but it's end is destruction! Beware of false prophets, like ravening wolves; desguised as wolves in sheep's clothing! Christ is the "Good Shepherd"! Be ye doers of the Word & not only hearers! " A Christian person's integrity is based upon who they are in private as well as public, not the facade they put on to convince others of their "Godliness"! Smile in public, kick the dog, wife, child behind closed doors, adultery/fornication, pornography, thieving, etc.. doesn't matter! God Knows All! If Ones not living for Christ, it's all a lie! Perfection, no! No one can ever be"Save the Blood of Christ"! B/S'n people will get their just deserves!

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