Murder by Fauci - Benjamin Goodman - 32yo - died heart attack 12 hrs after the shot

3 years ago

I have been trying to put this video project together for months as many of you know. I’ve been posting about it so much on my pages.

I wanted it to be special. I wanted it to be something that emulated love and respect for the victims. On March 24, 2021 I received a message in our group chat from Bens step-mom, she was still in the hospital with Ben and he had just passed away. Little did I know, that his mom Pam had a mutual connection with me a friend in an organization I belong to. If that’s wasn’t enough, I also had realized that Ben and I shared a mutual friend.

It’s a true honor to share Ben’s story as my first video for the series I am doing for my website. Although it is not live on my website I wanted to share it with you all because you’ve been very patient with the chat being down a few days.

Please encourage other to come forward. I will continue to do video testimonials like this one for my series. Share, share share so we can save lives

Thank you-❤️

A special thank you to Pam & Jeff for having the courage to speak out and to Bill for being an excellent videographer and capturing my vision for this project.

More info coming...

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