O'Toole Hires UK Consultants - Quebec Nationhood

3 years ago

Erin O’Toole has hired the U.K. consultants who helped Boris Johnson win

The federal Conservative party has tapped consultants who helped land a majority government for U.K. Prime Minister Boris Johnson to help plot Erin O’Toole’s political strategy, the Star has learned.

Stack Data Strategy has been contracted to help inform Conservative strategy in the lead up to the next federal election, according to three sources. The “advanced analytics” firm is headed up by James Kanagasooriam, a data analyst who helped identify Johnson’s path to a majority government in 2019.

Stack was formerly a part of Hanbury Strategy, a boutique political consulting firm based in London. Hanbury was founded by Paul Stephenson, who handled communications for the “Vote Leave” campaign in the 2017 Brexit referendum, and Ameet Gill, who served as a senior staffer for former British prime minister David Cameron.


With a wave of Trudeau's wand, Quebec will become a 'nation'

A letter from Quebec Premier François Legault, a response from Prime Minister Justin Trudeau and voilà — Canada’s Constitution changes.

Quebec will become “a nation.” Not a nation within a unified Canada, mind you. An actual nation — with benefits.

This nation will still send MPs to Ottawa and benefit from every federal program, while continuing to assert its absolute right to block energy transmission through its territory, among many other things.

After the two leaders disposed of this little matter in a couple of days, this stunning fact is clear: The only province that has never agreed to the 1982 Constitution will change it with no approval from nine provinces that accepted it.


Can a province unilaterally rewrite parts the Constitution, as Quebec seeks to do?

Can Quebec unilaterally rewrite certain sections of the Constitution to assert that the province is a “nation” and set French as its only official language? Why would Premier François Legault even want to do that? And what does that mean for other provinces? Or even the English speaking minority in Quebec?

Those are just some of the questions swirling across Canada days after Legault’s government introduced Bill 96, a sweeping language law reform that includes adding two new subsections to Section 90 of the Constitution proclaiming Quebec a “nation” and “affirm that the only official language of Québec is French.”


Is Jason Kenney Finished as UCP Leader?

The Leadership Challenge, for a governing party, is how do you keep backbenchers busy, contented, and feeling part of the”team?” They didn’t make the Cabinet cut so they are ticked. Committee work is thankless, no-profile, and meaningless when it comes to influencing policy. This is especially galling to backbenchers when the Premier’s office is full of influential, unelected, and condescending advisors who control and decide everything through the lens of their Boss, the Leader.


Alberta offers $3 million in lottery prizes to encourage people to be vaccinated against COVID-19

Alberta provides 3 million Canadian dollars in cash to encourage more people to get the COVID-19 vaccine.

Governor Jason Kenny announced the launch of the “Summer Open” vaccine lottery on Saturday. Albertans 18 and older will receive three $1 million prizes, and they have received at least one vaccine.

Kenny praised the Albertans who had received the first dose of vaccine for helping the province overcome the peak of COVID-19 in the spring. But Kenny said in a video posted on Twitter that the demand for vaccines has waned. The video was shot in an empty fast-moving vaccine clinic in the Edmonton Expo Center.


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