Special Episode:Stand Against the Breakdown of American Freedom; Is U.S. Media Eating China’s Lunch?

3 years ago

More than 120 journalists from almost 50 US media outlets have enjoyed “sponsored” trips courtesy of a Chinese Communist propaganda front organization.
—Department of Justice’s Foreign Agent Registration Act (or FARA) filings

Tyrannical regimes typically CONTROL-THE-MEDIA to CONTR0L-THE-PEOPLE. History shows us that tyrants’ rise to power typically involves the highjacking of media to push their narrative.

Those who doubt that America is under threat of losing its freedoms need look no further than the state of U.S. media’s trend towards totalitarianism-style propaganda.

Were truths about the coronavirus suppressed to limit one man’s chance of winning the presidency? Are people’s lives being endangered by false media narratives for the sake of politics?

This video includes excerpts from my interview with anti-communist researcher and commentator, Trevor Loudon, setting strategies for how the trend towards tyranny can be reversed in America.

#Tyranny #Orwell #Trump

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Stand Against the Breakdown of American Freedom; Is U.S. Media Eating China’s Lunch?

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