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How to spatchcock a chicken and prepare it for BBQ

3 years ago

The spices I used for the rub was 1/2 tsp of the following - cajun - cayenne - paprika - celery salt - white pepper - msg - marjoram - powdered garlic and onion.

In the UK we get about 4 weeks of hot sunshine if we're lucky, now this doesn't stop us from spending time outside and we often play the game of running inside quickly when the heavens open. So we love a picnic as it's prepared in advance, but BBQ is a different matter.

I'm determined to learn more about outdoor cooking and really love this spatchcock technique as it dramatically reduces the cooking time of a chicken. In this case these were baby chickens so only took about 40 minutes in total to cook, and that was using indirect cooking, meaning the coals were on one side so I could cook at a lower temp then finish off these gorgeous birds directly over the coals.

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