Minneapolis Civil Unrest Winston Smith

3 years ago

Minneapolis braces for impact as two new deaths occur leading to a potential for more civil unrest.​

🔵 Minneapolis has 100 National Guard on standby as new gun evidence emerges in Winston Smith shooting. ​
🔵 U.S. Marshals shot and killed Winston Boogie Smith Jr. several weeks ago while conducting a task force. ​
🔵 Another woman, Deona Marie Knajdek Erickson, was killed after a man rammed his SUV into a group of protestors. ​
🔵 Driver, Nicholas D. Kraus, was charged with second-degree unpremeditated murder. ​
🔵 Pictures of the scene as Minneapolis braces for more civil unrest.​

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#WatchingtheWatchers #Minneapolis #CivilUnrest #WinstonSmith #WinstonSmithShooting #DeonaMarieKnajdekErickson #NicholasKraus

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