"Do you want Diarrhea today or Cancer tomorrow?" is Utah's Drinking Water Policy.

3 years ago

"We're learning about very resistant pathogens in water. They are very difficult to kill so you need strong disinfectants. These chemicals may ultimately cause cancer over a lifetime. So the question becomes, would you rather have diarrhea today, or cancer over a 70-year period?" -Capitol Connection "Making Sure Your Water is Safe!" by Carol Sisco Department of Environmental Quality Public Information Officer

Utah with a population of 3 million has drinking water treatment capacity for a population of 9 million, because water treatment plant builders got property taxing authority.

2 of 3 drinking water treatment plants in Utah were built to water lawns.

Every city should be required to have a secondary irrigation system to conserve water, reduce water pollution, and increase our water security.

Every kitchen tap should be required to deliver pure, non-Chlorinated water.

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