:PRESS RELEASE – NEWSWIRE ~21-12-2020 The A To Z of THE COVID-19(84) [SCAM] by:~ www.ScamBuster.TV!!

3 years ago

The A To Z of THE COVID-19(84) Scam – by www.ScamBuster.TV
*There appears to be an outbreak of Coronavirus – A seasonal Flu of which there are over a thousand strains.
*Apparently, this new deadly strain, about to wipe out large parts of every single country on the planet, is known as COVID-19. *Through virulent repetition in the Ofcom controlled media, there is an association in our minds, of the Corona Virus, and the concept known as COVID-19.
*Despite the script readers and undisclosed writers, on the media, never stated that COVID-19 is actually a living breeding virus.
*On which grounds, trillions have been “PRINTED”, and handed out as bribes, and “CONTRACTS” for the MPs, their “friends” + family (See Covid Money Trail - https://youtu.be/kXBApqgEXYU ). *We have therefore, through trust and repeated “information” by the script writers, come to actually believe, without proof, that COVID-19 is actually a deadly virus, worthy of an untested vaccine.
*And it so happens, that the “Scientific Adviser” of the Government, Sir Ralph Vallance, is a major Vaccine Company Shareholder.
*The trusted abusers, have made “Guidelines”, and sold it to us as “LAWS”, when it’s not.
*The Police have been enrolled, to violently “ENFORCE” the “LAW”, when they have no such jurisdiction.
*Illegal bailiffs with fake Warrants, have been let loose on the public, proving there is no real “PANDEMIC”.
*Everyone’s been told to wear a mask, to filter out the COVID-19 deadly Virus, which cannot be shown under an electron microscope, to exist.
*Businesses closed down or bullied to force customers to apply “ANTI BACTERIAL” sanitisers, for an alleged Virus.
*The entire population, believers and non-believers, have been forced to “COMPLY”, with the threat of “COURT FINES” if they don’t.
*Now it has been exposed, that these “COURT FINES”, are not court fines at all, but unsigned, unsealed pieces of counterfeit paper, sent out by a private company, owned outright, by a bunch of police officers (Ian Kash, Andrew Rhodes, John P Robbins, and Graham D Jones), collecting the monies for themselves only https://bit.ly/finescam .
*So in the beginning, we started with the deception of a deadly COVID-19(84) virus, and now it ends with the deception of gaining compliance, with the use of counterfeit “COURT FINES”. *CALL TO ACTION:- ScamBusterTV, and the public, is calling for an immediate withdrawal of every single counterfeit COVID-19 “COURT FINE”, with a criminal investigation to follow up. Sign the petition while you can www.scamBuster.TV

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