Ep. 18 - Facebook Hack, Utilities Attacked, and Android Malware (Jimmie Brown)

3 years ago

In this episode our Guest is Jimmie Brown, "The CPA Lifeguard". Jimmie's business focuses on working with CPAs and accounting firms to help them set up networks, manage remote work arrangements and enhance cybersecurity.

We discuss:

1. The recent data hack of 533 Million Facebook Users Data (https://www.zdnet.com/article/facebook-data-on-533-million-users-posted-online/)
2. The recent critical sector cyberattacks (https://apnews.com/article/politics-electric-utilities-utilities-national-security-hacking-b1da2bcda1ffedbf6d54b56f5879eebd)
3. New Android Malware (https://arstechnica.com/gadgets/2021/03/new-android-malware-with-full-range-of-spying-capabilities-has-been-found/)

Jeff Kikel is the host of the Money Trekker podcast on YouTube, Rumble, Itunes, Google Podcasts. Jeff has over 30 years experience in Financial Services, Business Consulting, and Marketing. The show focuses on topics that affect small business owners from marketing, legal, finance, economics, and other areas.

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