Ivory Hecker: Reveals Truth About FOX 26 in Houston Texas

3 years ago

In this video, Ivory Hecker, a former reporter for FOX 26 in Houston Texas chose to step up to the plate and inform those who watched the news that she will be releasing a report outside of FOX 26 about the censorship that FOX 26 is filtering out so the people will not learn the truth about certain topics.

Ivory Hecker says: “I want to let you the viewers know that Fox Corp has been muzzling me to keep certain information from you, the viewer. And from what I’m gathering, I’m not the only reporter being subjected to this. I am going to be releasing some recordings about what goes on behind the scenes at Fox because it applies to you the viewer. I found a non-profit journalism group called Project Veritas who is going to help put that out TOMORROW, so tune into them.”

It is sad how the MSM has and continues to “filter/censor” the real news. Big Brother is controlling what they want the people to see and hear. It is all about controlling the people. Manipulating them to do what they want them to do.

You will watch to see her story and realize that we, the people, must go outside the box to get the real news on what is going on. Personally, I did this many years ago. I do not watch MSM TV. One day this shall change. Until that day, we need to be diligent in looking outside MSM for the real news!

The source of these videos comes from Telegram Messenger. I pulled them down and I have compiled them into this one video for the viewers convenience.

BE Informed BE Warned BE Educated

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