Levels of Awareness Choosing To Be HERE At This Time

3 years ago

Your level of awareness will play a big part in your awakening and purpose here at this timeon the earth. Allot of people claim to be awake but they are only awake to one piece of a big big puzzle they think the scam is all there is! They need to think again there is allot more to this and the more you learn the better your understanding of the whole picture will become. You cannot learn all this is ONE VIDEO it has taken decades of research to find the truth and to be able to understand what is really going on here as there is allot at play this is the major shift everything has built up to these days we are living now! Many cannot see beyond covid, having no idea they are just looking at the focussed distraction rather than the plan! The ulitimate plan, the ultimate goal, which is to fully control the human known as the GOYIM that which cannot think for him/her self always needing guidance and direction! To reach this goal they have to connect you to the system

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