Your Child - Taken! - Private, I - S1E7

3 years ago

Your child was hunted, tempted, and ripped away from you. What can you do now? What can modern data do in this crisis to help? What could you have done beforehand that would have allowed you to be tucking your child safely in tonight? Don't miss this episode of "Private, I" to see where your data and existing privacy law can save your child's life... if you help us.

Could #informationRights be a new angle to prosecute child sex-traffickers? A bit like nailing Al Capone for tax evasion? Find out as we realize new facts in this critical battle against what will soon be the largest organized crime industry in the world! How can Telco's help (but their not)?

Please donate:

Please contact the CEO of your cell phone provider with the following three points in your own words:

Help us stop child sex-trafficking!
1. I know you have tons of information (data) on me. Don't worry any more about me finding out.
2. I want you to work with Authorized Agents, like the Privacy Co-op. They can speak for me in authorized matters of my consent per a number of privacy regulations your company must comply with.
3. I want to be able to consent to my data being used quickly with banking information and law enforcement in times of emergency situations when I or my authorized agent gives you my consent.

Contacts for Telco's/Devices:

John Stankey
- or -

Hans Vestberg
One Verizon Way
Basking Ridge, NJ 07920

Mike Sievert

Tim Cook

Young Hoon “YH” Eom

Charter Spectrum
Tom Rutledge

#humantrafficking #childsexualabuse #privacy #identity #datacompliance

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