Putin – Who Ordered Murder of Woman in Capitol? , 3614

3 years ago

Good afternoon, I’m still reporting on the coup.
Russian President Vladimir Putin, in an interview given to NBC News last Friday, wondered out loud if the deep state actually ordered the murder of Ashley Babbitt.
Putin also claimed that his government is not in the habit of assassinating people for political dissent – a charge with which Russian political activists would strongly disagree.
The man who shot Ashley Babbitt is said to be a Capitol Police Lt., however his name has never been revealed. Shouldn’t the only person in American history to commit a murder inside the Capitol building have to face some sort of public inquiry, or is it sufficient in THE most left-wing voting district in the United States to merely move on based on an internal Capitol Police review? Preposterous!
As Putin pointed out, on the other hand, political protesters who were welcomed inside the building by those same Capitol Police for some strange reason are now being hunted down through facial recognition across the nation and being charged with crimes that, if convicted, could land them in a federal prison for 25 years.
The murderer of Ashley Babbitt gets complete anonymity and nary a slap on the wrist. Talk about a system completely out of balance!
It is absolutely humiliating that a thug like Putin, a former KGB operative, now has the opportunity to point out – and correctly so – that under Biden, conservatives are facing obvious political persecution with much more to come. What does that say to the rest of the world?
That freedom in America has come to an end? That the rule of law is quickly being replaced by the law of the jungle?
Now don’t get me wrong, I’m not a fan of the Russian government and haven’t even reported on their TV channel, RT, despite many of my colleagues doing so over the years. But in the big scheme of political freedom, Russia is a darned site better than China.
And as I’ve frequently opined in these reports, the only way we will ever be able to defeat China’s stated intention destroy the U.S. is to team up with Russia as more friendly allies.
Russia and China share a long border. They are historic enemies and it is a foolish American foreign policy indeed not to have Russia help prevent the Red Dragon from achieving its stated goal of world domination.
This is not a game where Putin can play both sides against each other. Why? Because China would not mind sacrificing – oh, let’s say 100 million troops - simply by invading Russia over land. No navies needed.
Putin would benefit far more by forging an alliance with the U.S., rather than for certain being over-run by China.
I believe trying to prevent this strategic alliance is what was behind the emphasis on Russia, Russia, Russia during the Trump years. It was a Chicom gambit to prevent Trump from opening better relations with the Russians for just that reason.
China can’t complete their aspirations of world dictatorship if Russia allies with the U.S. – either publicly or covertly. The Trump/Russia gambit successfully prevented Trump from opening that door of friendship publicly.
I’m still reporting from just outside the citadel of world freedom. Good day.

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