Some facts about Pandas

3 years ago

Its most notable feature is its black and white markings. Panda fur does more than just make them cute. The panda's face, neck, abdomen and buttocks are mostly white so it can hide in the snowy habitat. Its arms and legs are black to help with camouflage in a cool place. Its coat is thick to ensure protection from the cold. Giant pandas can grow up to 150 cm in height and weigh up to 150 kg. Males are generally about 10% larger and about 20% heavier than females. To support their bamboo diet, pandas have flat molars that can help them crush bamboo. Panda's eyes are different from other bears, not only because of the black fur around them, the panda's pupils have vertical slits, like those of a house cat. Dark spots help reduce glare during the day.

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