Billie Beene E1-190 Clif High/President Trump Fall/CCP Out!

3 years ago

The question was asked by a patriot subscriber how many people in the House of Representatives in the U.S. Congress were arrested? All 435 members were arrested. This took places in January 2021. The source of this came from ShariRaye.

Frog News reported that back in January 2021 there were 93 out of 100 Senators where arrested. We have not had a functioning government since January 2021.

Greg Hunter recently interviewed Clif High about the COVID injections being given to people. He is predicting based on his research of this drug being injected into people that within 24 months there will be 1.25 billion people who will die who have gotten the injection.

Gene Decode has a recipe for the COVID and for the pharma in the arm and he can be reached via his Gmail at

Clif High said that the alien disclosure will happen in June of 2021. He is saying that in the month of July 2021 there will be political panic. He is predicting that the month of August 2021 will be a time of new beginnings. Clif High is also saying that the CCP is not only fighting the Alliance but they are also fighting the Cabal. The reason the Cabal is fighting against the CCP is because the CCP wanted to take over the Cabal and they were not about to let that happen.

Billie has much more she is reporting on and you do not want to miss the remainder of her report...

God, Bible Scott McKay, Frog News, World News Report Noe, Pat Subscribers, ShariRaye.
Greg Hunter-Clif High
Gene Decode - B2T

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