OM Chanting for Peace and Serenity

3 years ago

Feel the Power of Word OM in enhancing your life.

OM is the first sound of the universe; it is the wave that was produced at the time of the creation of the universe. According to Chandogya Upanishad, OM is Bhrahma, the timeless consciousness. It is inhabited by the Trinity. When you meditate OM all your conflicts and inner turmoil disappear.

The mystic syllable OM is made up of three words “AA” “AU” and “MA”, when combined make the sound of Aum. This ancient mantra is traditionally chanted at the beginning or end of a yoga class. It has a deeper connection with the body if practiced daily.

According to yoga and other scriptures, the letter OM corresponds to three gunas (values):

A: tamas, it signifies darkness and ignorance (waking state)
U: rajas, it signifies passion, activity and dynamism (dream state)
M: sattva, it signifies purity, truth, and light (state of deep sleep)

Chanting OM connects to all living creatures, to nature and the universe. It has many physical benefits, as it slows down the nervous system and calms the mind. It relaxes the mind and decreases the blood pressure, which results in improvement of a healthy heart.

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