AZ Audit wrap Birthday Wishes

3 years ago

The wind cut the mic a few times so I typed it all out:
"I'm KoZaR behind the camera is my beautiful, amazing Pregnant wife CaTZaR this is our son ALeXaNDeR ZaR, and We are in the parking lot of Veteran's Memorial Coliseum in Phoenix Arizona where it's a beautiful 114 degrees outside. I'm here to welcome anybody that is here representing Pennsylvania and Georgia Virginia Wisconsin Nevada Alaska Utah Michigan possibly Minnesota and Missouri. We want to say Welcome to Arizona and uh We hope You like what We're doing here. Also, I'm here to say a Happy Flag Day to everybody because it's June 14, 2021 and on this day 75 years ago President Donald Trump was born. and also on this day 1 year ago - this little guy was born, so Happy Birthday to Everybody and you know, see you around."

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