Bible Inspiration and Preservation - Introduction Part 2

2 years ago

The lesson on June 13, 2021 was part 2 of the introduction in the "Bible Inspiration and Preservation" study. Wayne continued to provide us a tentative outline of what this study will cover. This starts with asking "Is there is an issue?" which we started looking at the results of newer Bibles to see how they have removed some verses because they removed some of the Greek. This is then followed by undertaking "What saith the scripture?" Then we will look into "The manuscripts and history". Next we will take a look at "The identity of the new testament text". Then Wayne intends to wrap up with a "Summary". Today he shared with us other texts that have been written that we may want to collect and use with our own studies. These five parts cover all that will consist of the full study looking into the Bible's Inspiration and Preservation. The scripture reading was from Psalms 12:6-7 KJV

"6 The words of the Lord are pure words: as silver tried in a furnace of earth, purified seven times.7 Thou shalt keep them, O Lord, thou shalt preserve them from this generation for ever."

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