War Thunder - Scottish pilots in the RAF salute the losing team / Tha pìleatan Albannach san RAF a' cur fàilte air an sgioba a chaill iad

3 years ago

QSDL and Thunderhead84 joined up to fly together on this day. QSDL had been grinding out his British planes, but Thunderhead84 only had one good British plane. Good thing these pilots only need one good plane for a match! Anyway, both QSDL and Thunderhead84 are Scotts from clan MacPherson. The clan has a motto: "Touch not the cat bot a glove." That's "bot" (meaning "without") not "but" and the "glove" references whether the cat's claws are covered/retracted or not. And the meaning is this essentially: Don't bother the cat that's got it's claws out. Or in application, don't bother the clan, because we have weapons. Now you have the context for the joke in the middle of the replay. I hope you enjoy it!

Thàinig QSDL agus Thunderhead84 còmhla gus itealaich còmhla air an latha seo. Bha QSDL air a bhith a’ bleith a phlèanaichean Breatannach, ach cha robh ach aon itealan math Breatannach aig Thunderhead84. An rud math chan fheum na pìleatan sin ach aon itealan math airson geama! Co-dhiù, tha an dà chuid QSDL agus Thunderhead84 Scotts bho chinneadh Mac a’ Phearsain. Tha facail-suaicheantais aig a’ chinneadh: “Na suath ris a’ chat ri miotag.” Is e sin “bot” (a’ ciallachadh “às aonais”) chan e “ach” agus tha an “miotag” a’ toirt iomradh a bheil spuirean a’ chait còmhdaichte/air an toirt air ais no nach eil. Agus is e seo an ciall gu bunaiteach: Na cuir dragh air a’ chat a gheibh a spògan a-mach. No ann an tagradh, na cuir dragh air a’ chinneadh, oir tha buill-airm againn. A-nis tha an co-theacsa agad airson an fealla-dhà ann am meadhan an ath-chluich. Tha mi an dòchas gun còrd e ribh!

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