The Actual Video Of JFK's Last Moments Of Life

3 years ago

Zapruder Film HD Quality JFK Assassination
Watch The Driver (William Robert Greer) As He Turns And Shoots JFK... VERY DISTURBING. he was the one to shoot Kennedy because he was an Ulster Protestant who disliked Kennedy’s Catholic faith - a fact his son admitted to, Instead of accelerating, as he was trained to do, Greer actually slowed the car down to a near stop, before he was forced to accelerate by Clint Hill who screamed at him to get to a hospital. Greer subsequently said that he did accelerate but the famous Zapruder home movie proves the case against him as well as numerous eyewitnesses. Kenneth O'Donnell (special assistant to Kennedy), who was riding in the motorcade, later wrote: "If the Secret Service men in the front had reacted quicker to the first two shots at the President's car, if the driver had stepped on the gas before instead of after the fatal third shot was fired, would President Kennedy be alive today?"

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