Logging truck encounter on narrow road

3 years ago

The Northern Maine Woods is a wonderful place to visit for camping, fishing, hunting, and more. This isn't a spectacular video but one I hope demonstrates how quickly a trip can get hairy lol. To avoid this, make sure to carry a MURS radio so you can stay tuned to truck traffic or a CB if in an area not using MURS. Also I did not intentionally dust the driver as we had to get out of his way quickly and there was no room for me to move over due to steep embankment and well no shoulder. Here are some dangers to be alert for:

1. Logging trucks. They have the right of way and some drive very fast for the tonnage they are hauling, sometimes running stop signs or going around curves in the opposite lane.
2. Dust. If the year has been dry, the dust kicked up by vehicles is one of the more dangerous hazards. It is this, heavy, and blocks your vision. We have almost been hit many times by other vehicles in this dust.
3. Shale. Shale is the worst thing for your tires. Make sure you have the appropriate off road tires with enough ply to handle the road. Carry at least two spares when driving up here since it is a far distance to a garage to change out your flats.
4. Moose Yep Moose. You would be surprised at how fast they can come out of the trees and if you are unlucky enough to hit one, it can total your car or worse, kill you.

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