How to deal with Depression, Stress, and Overcome.

3 years ago

Do you ever feel depressed, stressed, hopeless?
Bill Morgan discusses the struggle of the human condition offering hope and purpose in your suffering.
First recognize that we all feel this way from time to time.
Bill enumerates that the solution is not engaging in destructive behavior - drugs, sex, alcohol which only temporarily numb us.
Rather, the way to deal with our mortal pains is by knowing our value with God.
Trouble exists, yet our blessings rise to the moon and back!
BIll demonstrates how we can know that we are truly loved by God; observing the wonderful gift we have been given: our eyes, our hands, our feet.
Grief and depression is a waning experienced.
Remeber you loved by God, given gifts and made for a purpose.
Stop right now and thank him for 5 things you are happy for.
Know you are important. Know you are loved!

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Depression: My Secrets To Beating It -
EXIT: The Appeal of Suicide

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