20210613 Weak Men, Strong Men - The Daily Summation

3 years ago

It's not so much that I'm not a "fan of" the "hard men" about whom people like Mr Dan Bongino speak, as that I worry for their mental heath and pray for their recovery into "regular old humanity" at some point.

I spend about nine years in the United States Air Force. While there, there were things for which I had to "steel myself."

Probably not a SINGLE ONE measures up to some of the LESSER things the hard men spoken of, have had to deal with.

I'm not happy that such folks come to be, and I care even less for the circumstances that bring them into that state--particularly where war and similar conflicts are concerned.

That said, STRONG men COULDN'T BE more important.

Want to see what a world of weak men looks like? Walk around most urban centers America today, it'll become obvious.

Where are the STRONG men? They're just doing the things they feel obliged to, for themselves and their families. The time is RAPIDLY COMING, when they're going to have to STEP UP and potentially sacrifice their lives one way or other.

You can REST ASSURED, I pray daily, things "swing back to" a reasonable place, before that's a needful thing. If not, I'm going to warn folks now, if you're one trying to change the American world, chances are good, you're NOT going to like the results of doing what you're doing now.

You can check out the latest edition of The Daily Summation from Kurt's Religion and Politics, to see why I HOPE AND PRAY this isn't necessary.

When I'm able to complete the companion piece on the Kurt's Religion and Politics blog, I'll post a link to it here.

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