Full Home Arms Workouts for Beginners Dumbbells only

2 years ago

These are the best exercises for your chest using dumbbells only. If you want to get a bigger chest and nice pecs then this video will help. Learn the proper form for all of these exercises.

And it's no secret that one of the best chest exercises out there is the dumbbell press, but I want to start with an underutilized variation, the incline neutral - grip dumbbell press. This variation targets your chest differently because it allows the dumbbells to travel through a wider movement path, placing a greater stretch on the pecs at the bottom of each of your reps and keeping tension on them even at the top. Other than hand position it's performed almost exactly like a regular dumbbell press. So you're going to grab two heavy dumbbells, take a seat on an inclined bench, and place the dumbbells on your thighs close to your knees. Make sure to first retract your shoulder blades, then lay back, kick the dumbbells up one at a time and bring them over your chest with your hands in a neutral position.

Next is an exercise that provides a concentric, eccentric, and isometric contraction for your pecs, the crush press, also known as the hex press. But I want you to think of it as the crush press because the more you focus on crushing the dumbbells together the more effective the exercise will be for your chest.

click here to get started: https://bit.ly/2S5q0PN

Next is an exercise that provides a concentric, eccentric, and isometric contraction for your pecs, the crush press, also known as the hex press. But I want you to think of it as the crush press because the more you focus on crushing the dumbbells together the more effective the exercise will be for your chest.

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