FAITH Garden - Episode VII Hot Chili Pepper

3 years ago

The variety of chili pepper we have in our FAITH Garden is The Aci Sivri pepper. It is a Turkish heirloom cayenne type chili pepper. It is a very prolific plant, bearing up to 50 pods or more.

The peppers resemble long cayenne chili peppers that grow from 5-10 inches long and somewhat slender. The pods are somewhat wrinkly and twist as they grow.

That spiciness we all love and crave comes from a compound called capsaicin that is found in all hot peppers.

Capsaicin itself is tasteless and odorless and is produced by the glands in the chile pepper’s placenta, found at the top portion of the pepper below the stem.

The placenta is about sixteen times hotter than the rest of the pepper and is usually removed along with the seeds (another hot part of the pepper) when preparing food.

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