The Man Who Has Everything and Nothing

3 years ago

Music by Send Rain

If you finally got everything you ever wanted, house, cars, woman/men more money than you could ever spend, would you finally be happy?

(Eccl 9:9 [NET])
​​​​​​​Enjoy life with your beloved wife during all the days of your fleeting life ​​​​​​that God has given you on earth during all your fleeting days; ​​​​​​for that is your reward in life and in your burdensome work on earth.

(Eccl 9:10 [NET])
​​​​​​​Whatever you find to do with your hands, ​​​​​​do it with all your might, ​​​​​​because there is neither work nor planning nor knowledge nor wisdom in the grave, ​​​​​​the place where you will eventually go.

(Eccl 12:13
​​​​​​​Having heard everything, I have reached this conclusion: ​​​​​​Fear God and keep his commandments, ​​​​​​because this is the whole duty of man.

14 For God shall bring every work into judgment, with every secret thing, whether it be good, or whether it be evil.

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