Have You Drifted?

3 years ago

We were created out of the goodness of God’s heart, to be wholly-holy Gods, to be in a heart to heart, personal, intimate relationship with Him and mirror His amazing character. Have we drifted away from God? Basic Faith is God and us walking together in love, trust, peace and belief. When we are in holy alignment with God, positioned underneath His rulership of love, we are good people and we love each other well, with compassion, we walk in civility and we have an activated common sense. Drifting away from God, we dehumanize others as we live out of a self-induced, illegitimate supremacy. People lording over others, serving no power higher than self. God’s Supremacy is good. Human supremacy is bad and the consequences are horrific. This is dangerous living, because our human condition, not connected to God’s goodness, is easily sullied by evil. Corrupted human decency wounds our soul and then wounded people wound people, it is a nasty circle of the deterioration of goodness. Only God can break this circle of human depravation, only His goodness and truth can break this stronghold on our nations, this present darkness of lawlessness, incivility and a huge lack of compassion and common sense. We have drifted away from God, and right now, oh, how we need to wholly-holy align ourselves with God’s way, truth and life. Let’s do it, heart to heart.

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