#106 - Attributes of God - Immensity - 86 Seconds Video Devotional - Gary Wilkerson

3 years ago

One of the attributes of God is called his immensity. Strange word to some degree isn't. It's not aware. We used very often, but it means vastness or grandeur or wide expanse. But this definition that's human in terms its finite in his terms in an infinite way, this idea of immensity goes beyond what we could measure, what we can think, what we can phantom in our own finite minds. The immensity of God is he's immense in all of his attributes, his immense in his love. He's immense in his grace. He's immense in his character - but it's also
deals with time; he's immense in time. He fills out all time.

He's immense in space; he fills out all space, but beyond that as well. You see spaces of finite understanding that we have, where in the infinite nature of God, he is not limited by our finite understanding. And so for him his spatial-ness is beyond anything that we would even phantom or comprehend at all. How is this important to us? Well, he's big enough for every problem we have. He's big enough to make himself known. He's glorious enough to make himself revealed in our worst crisis, our worst nightmares. He's immensely there for you.

He's immensely able to do anything and beyond. It speaks of - for instance - his power. He could be powerful, but when we speak of the immensity of power, that means power is distributed equally in all options, in all places, in all circumstances. It's good to know that he is big enough for you and me, and every need that we have.

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