Let's Play - Pokémon Uranium part 17

3 years ago

I battle trainers on Route 13, while catching new pokemon, including one I'll be adding to my team in the next video I'll upload tomorrow. Yes, I'm doing only 1 video per day from now on since it feels like I'm going too fast before I reach the end of the finale.

The latest version of Pokemon Uranium can be downloaded here --> https://www.mediafire.com/file/rb6dqm3pi8zq5c6/Pokemon_Uranium_v1.2.4_Installer.exe/file

Tags: Pokemon, Nintendo, fan game, Red Dragonette, gaming, RPG Maker XP, walkthrough, playthrough, female trainer, protagonist, Natalie, Metalynx, Pajay, Astronite, Drilgann, Aveden, Folerog, surfing, psychic, dragon tamer, hiker, cool couple, lady, rich boy, pyromaniac, super scientist, Route 12,

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