What Parents Need to Know about Adolescent Marijuana Substance Free Athletics – Parent Module

3 years ago

What Parents Need to Know about Adolescent Marijuana Substance Free Athletics – Parent Module

Featured expert: Debbie Berndt


Handouts available at https://johnnysambassadors.org/ja210611/


The recently launched prevention program, Substance Free Athletics, engages coaches, athletes, and parents, the three major stakeholders in high-school athletics, in an effort to reduce under-age substance use (marijuana, nicotine and alcohol). This new, highly targeted drug education program speaks specifically to the athlete and athletic performance versus looking at drug use generally. By focusing on the high school athlete and providing all stakeholders with a common understanding, conversations about drugs and alcohol can become more productive and choosing not to use as an athlete has a rational and potentially shared basis. In this webinar, you’ll experience the parent portion of this dynamic new program.

Learning Objectives
• Understand substances, especially marijuana’s, effect on athletes and athletic performance in particular.
• Use this new frame to engage kids in conversation about alcohol, marijuana, and tobacco use.
• Learn 21st century basics around substances that all parents need to understand (but most do not).

Speaker Bio

Debbie Berndt is the Director of Substance Free Athletics and is on the Board of several national prevention organizations and a local coalition – all have the mission to reduce underage substance use. She also leads Parent Movement 2.0 and was recently invited by SAMHSA to participate on a Technical Expert Panel creating a National Guide for Marijuana Youth Prevention.  A parent herself, Debbie has spoken to over ten thousand parents and teens since early 2017, when she realized parents, on the front-line of youth drug use, understood very little about today’s high-potency marijuana, other substances, and almost nothing about adolescent brain development. She finds the same to be true for teens.

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