19 Warning Signs That Your Cat Is Begging For Help

3 years ago

Increased hiding
Cats like to hide, but if your cat hides more often than usual, it could be a sign that they are in pain. Pets who suddenly start to hide could be stressed out or have an invisible illness wreaking havoc in their body.
Not Using Their Litter Box
If your cat has always used their litter box, and then suddenly starts doing its business in random areas of the house, they may be trying to tell you they don’t feel well. Health concerns that can cause litter box issues include urinary tract infection, kidney disease, and bladder stones.
Changes in maintenance habits
Cats are great at maintaining their appearance.
When your cat starts to neglect their grooming routine, it may be time for a checkup. Your pet could be suffering from a range of ailments that cause fatigue, which would explain their disheveled look or the undoing of their grooming habits.
A “disheveled” cat might be missing patches of fur, have debris stuck in their fur, have dirty ears, or have feces stuck to their rear end.
Discolored Gums
Your cat’s gums should be a deep pink color, and when you press them with your finger, they should return to pink color within a few seconds after lifting your finger.
Pale gums that lack color are usually a sign of blood loss or poor circulation. This is because gums get their bubble-gum pink color from blood flowing beneath the surface.
Bluish gums can indicate a life-threatening lack of oxygen.

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