God's will is typically misunderstood piano punk

3 years ago

i tried to play the keyboard but it wasn't on
mr. theron told me that i'm probably shadow banned (of course i am)
the truth makes em feel/look/sound bad becuz they are bad
multiple pats, right here and right here
that very system
ag scratches eyeball
a small group that give a fuck about the right thing
lauren understands me
mr. theron too, however it happened
is that weird/creepy to want people to come stay at my house
already nuts cos i'm there and then you add two cats to the mix
they got into my tahini
cats tried to eat play doh...what are you me when i was six
still that person by the way
don't eat play doh anymore but it still smells good enough that i'm tempted
maintaining a certain amt of optimism is fairly difficult but that's what the Psalms are for

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