Outside the Zeitgeist Episode 25 - Sins of the Farter

3 years ago

In this episode, Greg, Red, and Charles talk about how to handle generational situations.

We will not be airing for the next one or two scheduled dates.

News Topics:

-Trump’s pants and how can the press help Biden?
-Hunter Biden’s nigga
-Cancel Culture is not approved by Obama
-Raimbow crosswalk
-American flags
-Media imploding
-Concerts and the doom spell
-Washington state mandates CRT, Florida bans it
-Chinese woman speaks out at school board meeting
-Kentucky Judge SoE ruling
-Study of wet market
-AR-15 college student interlocutory hearing
-Ashli Babbit’s husband sues – wants video and name of officer
-El Salvador geothermal mining
-IMF says inflation is a good thing – 28 year high
-Fed’s Repo/RevRepo reaches $500B
-BlackRock buying homes at 20%-30% above asking price
-6/8 internet went down

#covid #media #CRT #finance #pride

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